Disability Advice is a non-government affiliated organization, dedicated to helping you get compensation for disabilities.

How Long Does It Take to Get SSDI?

100 dollar bills next to a social security card

When you have a disability, stress about money can worsen your health. Social Security Disability Insurance, or SSDI, is a lifeline for many people, but how long does it take to get SSDI benefits? Unfortunately, you won’t receive money immediately, and the application and approval process can be frustratingly long. The knowledgeable professionals at Disability Advice can help you apply, prevent delays, and increase the chances your claim will be successful.

How Long Does the SSDI Process Take?

From submitting your application to receiving your first payment, the SSDI process can take from a few months to years. The specific SSDI application timeline varies based on your circumstances and the number of backlogged claims when you file. It also depends on whether you’ll need a hearing or further appeal to receive benefits.

For instance, expedited claims for terminal illnesses are generally much faster than standard processing for less serious illnesses and disabilities. Meanwhile, cases requiring a hearing can take another 10 to 16 months after receiving an initial denial.

The SSDI Application Process Timeline

Determining when you’ll get a response to your SSDI application is difficult because it’s often a multi-step process. The Social Security Administration, or SSA, provides averages for each stage, but your disability claim processing time depends on your circumstances and whether you must pursue an appeal.

Initial Application Submission

Completing an application can take a few days because you must fill out paperwork and gather documentation supporting your claim. After applying, you’ll typically receive a response in three to six months. Although there’s no time limit on applying for SSDI benefits, try to file your claim immediately after the onset of your disability to get the process started.

Reconsideration Stage

If the SSA denies your initial application, you have 60 days to file an appeal and begin the reconsideration phase. A disability examiner not involved in the original review of your case will look at all the information you submitted with your application, and you can provide additional evidence that strengthens your claim. Reconsideration usually takes four to six months.

Disability Hearing Wait Time

The SSA may deny your claim again following reconsideration. If so, you have another 60 days to request a hearing before an administrative law judge, or ALJ. Most hearings don’t happen as soon as you file, and you will likely have to wait for a decision following your appearance.

ALJs do not announce their decisions at the hearing. They must draft a written decision, which takes time. Instead, they aim to notify you of the outcome within 30 days. On average, this phase of the process can take from 12 to 18 months.

Appeals Council and Federal Court Review

The ALJ might reject your claim, at which point you can file another SSDI appeal requesting a review by the Appeals Council. The council may agree to the review or decline to consider your case. 

If you disagree with the council’s decision, you can file a civil lawsuit in federal court. Federal court review is your last opportunity for appeal, and court appearances often happen long after your initial request. This stage can take years.

Factors That Affect SSDI Processing Time

Circumstances in and out of your control can significantly impact the timeline for your claim. These are some of the biggest factors affecting SSDI approval time:

These issues can create additional anxiety when you apply for SSDI. However, a slow response doesn’t necessarily mean you won’t receive benefits.

Can You Speed Up the SSDI Process?

Depending on the nature of your disability and financial situation, it may be possible to speed up your SSDI claim. However, if you can’t accelerate the process, you can take steps to streamline it.

Expedited SSDI Claims

The SSA has fast-track processes for especially serious cases. They may speed up your claim in these circumstances:

An experienced SSDI lawyer can determine whether you have grounds for an expedited claim.

Tips to Avoid Delays

The timeframe of your SSDI claim is largely outside your control, but you can help the SSA’s evaluation go smoothly. First, make sure your application is thorough and includes all the details the examiner will need to understand your condition.

In addition, check your application for any technical errors, such as misspellings, inaccurate dates, or missing signatures. Submitting a well-documented claim with all your up-to-date paperwork, including medical records, is also critical.

When Will I Receive My First SSDI Payment?

Once the SSA receives your application, the natural question is when you will get your first SSDI check. In most cases, it takes around one or two months after you get an approval letter to receive a payment. Using an SSDI calculator will help you determine how much your benefits will be each month.

SSDI has a waiting period before your benefits begin. SSDI recipients must be disabled for five months before they receive payments, and you won’t receive any retroactive benefits for this waiting period. The waiting period does not begin on your approval date, but on the date the SSA determines your disability began. If your application is approved six to eight months after you applied, your waiting period has likely elapsed, and your benefits will start the month after you are approved. There is no waiting period if you have amyotrophic lateral sclerosis.

You may also receive up to 12 months of retroactive pay for the months between the onset of your disability and the day the SSA has approved your application. If you qualify for retroactive pay, the SSA will multiply your monthly benefits by the number of months you had to wait for it to reach a decision.

FAQs About the SSDI Timeline

The most common reason for the slow processing of SSDI claims is a backlog of applications. The decision might also take longer if you have an especially complex case or your disability isn’t a common qualifying condition.

You can check the status of your SSDI claim by logging into your account or calling the SSA. Your online account should indicate where your application is in the process and when you might receive a decision.

The best way to ensure the SSA processes your claim quickly is to carefully complete your application and submit the proper documentation. An incomplete or inaccurate application and missing documentation can delay your benefits.

Need Help With Your SSDI Claim?

When dealing with a challenging medical condition, you shouldn’t have to waste energy worrying about how long disability approval takes. Disability Advice can help you navigate the complex SSDI process and offer insights into how long you can expect to wait for a decision. Getting guidance and support from professionals with knowledge of disability cases can also help you receive your benefits as promptly as possible.

For help with your SSDI claim or appeal, contact Disability Advice today.

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